
Each column in the report output can be configured in a number of ways using the builder. Use the column method passing the name of the column and apply one of the following options :-

  • hide - hides the column from the report body.
  • order - sets which column the data will appear in the report body table
  • label - Alternative label to be placed in column headers and group sections
  • columnwidth - How wide the column should be. Use css notation
  • columnwidthpdf - How wide the column should be on a pdf report. Use css notation
  • justify - Sets whether to left, right or centre justify the column value

Each column in the report output can be configured in a number of ways using the builder. Use the column method passing the name of the column and apply one of the following options :-

column(column :Name of column (based on name/alias from query results set))
order(order :The sequence of the column in the report outputOverrides the sequence from the query)
label(label :The label to show in the column header)
columnwidth(label :The width of the column in HTML output in CSS format eg 5px)
justify(type [left|right|center])

In this example, we play with some basic display options for each column.

The justify method allows contents to be left, center or right justified. You can change the width of a column with the columnwidth() method and also use the order method to change the order of the columns in the output results.

Run Demo


require_once(__DIR__ .'/../vendor/autoload.php');

properties([ "bootstrap_preloaded" => true])
datasource()->database("mysql:host=localhost; dbname=DATABASE NAME")->user("USER")->password("PASSWORD")
title     ("Product Stock")
description     ("Produces a list of our employees")
sql       ("
              SELECT  ProductID id, ProductName product, UnitsInStock in_stock, UnitsOnOrder on_order, companyname company, country, categoryname category
              FROM northwind_products 
              join northwind_suppliers on northwind_products.supplierid = northwind_suppliers.supplierid
              join northwind_categories on northwind_products.categoryid = northwind_categories.categoryid
              WHERE 1 = 1  
              ORDER BY categoryname
column("in_stock")->justify("right")->label("Right justified")       // Right justify in stock column
->column("on_order")->justify("center")->label("Center justified")     // Center justify in on order column
->column("company")->order(2)->label("Reordered")                      // Make the company column the second column
->column("country")->label("Country Renamed")                          // Change the header label for the country column
->column("company")->columnwidth("5cm")->label("Company 5cm wide")     // Change the width of the company column to 100px ( its css so percentage works too )
->column("product")->columnwidth("500px")->label("Product 500px wide"// Change the width of the product column to 500px ( its css so percentage works too )