Adds criteria selection widgets to the report front end which are passed to the main report query to return just the results the user has selected
Gives the ability to select from, for example, checkboxes, dropdowns, date pickers and build them into the where clause of the query. The name passed to the criteria method is then referred to in the main sql using the {} notation.
->criteria(name :Name of the criteria item to be referred to in query)
->title(title :Label to display against criteria item)
->type(type [textfield|lookup|date|daterange|list|sqlcommand])
->widget(type [noinput|textfield|dropdown|multi|select2single|select2multiple|checkbox|radio])
->expandWidget(type [noinput|textfield|dropdown|multi|select2single|select2multiple|checkbox|radio])
->default(default :Set initial values for the criteria. Use comma notation for multiselections and use FROM-TO notation
for ranges)
->sql(sql :The sql to return the relevant items)
->tab(tab title :The tab name to group the crtieria under.)
->tooltip(tooltip :The criteria help text)
->return(column :The name of the column to return to the main query)
widget display column :The name of the column to show for selection in the selection widget,
summary column :The name of the column to use for displaying the selected item(s) in the criteria widget summary box)
->match(column :The name of the column to match on)
require_once(__DIR__ .'/../vendor/autoload.php');
->properties([ "bootstrap_preloaded" => true])
->datasource()->database("mysql:host=localhost; dbname=DATABASE NAME")->user("USER")->password("PASSWORD")
->title ("Employee List")
->description ("Produces a list of our employees")
// The sql for the main report makes reference to 4 criteria items specified further below.
// The value between the {curly braces} links in the criteria item by name and is replaced at report time
// by the users selected values. Where a criteria selections are generated from a lookup, the values come from the criteria
// return() column.
// For criteria items that are ranges e.g. date or time ranges, specifiying {criteriarange} expands to a BETWEEN/AND clause and to
// access the lower and upper range selections use {criteriarange,from} and {criteria,to}
// For multiselects, it is often appropriate to use the SQL IN () syntax so that IN ({criteria}) is replaced by
// IN ( \'selection1\', \'selection2\', ... )
// By default the values plugged into the SQL are surrounded by quotes and smetimes you need to plug into the SQL selections
// which have no quotes, for example with the match string example below where you want to surround the selection with % signs to
// perform and SQL LIKE operation. In this case use false as the final parameter for example {criteria,false} or with a range
// {daterange,from,false}
->sql ("
SELECT EmployeeID employee_id, LastName last_name, FirstName first_name, date(BirthDate) birth_date, Country, BirthDate
FROM northwind_employees
WHERE 1 = 1
[ AND Country IN ( {country} ) ]
[ AND DATE(BirthDate) BETWEEN {born,from} AND {born,to} ]
[ AND ( LastName like '%{namematch,false}%' OR FirstName like '%{namematch,false}%' ) ]
[ AND ( EmployeeID in ( {namemulti} ) ) ]
[ AND ( EmployeeID in ( {namemulti2} ) ) ]
ORDER BY Country, LastName
// This criteria generates a multiselect list box from an SQL statement
// giving a list of countries. The "country" column is displayed in the box and
// also returned in the return() method which matches the {country} reference in the main SQL.
// The {country} specifier in the main query will be replaced by the selected countries
->sql("SELECT DISTINCT Country country FROM northwind_employees")
->display("country", "country")
// A date range criteria
// This uses the default method to specify a default range. Specific dates can be set or
// certain preefined values can be used. For example, FIRSTOFLASTMONTH-TODAY would show a
// range form the first of the prior month to today. Other values are LASTOFLASTMONTH, FIRSTOFTHISMONTH.
->title("Born Between")
// A simple text criteria where a match string can be entered, and in the main sql it is
// used without surrounding quotes to fetch all employees with first or last names matching the string
->title("Name Match String")
->tooltip("Report on all employees with names matching the entered string")
// A searchable mutliselect criteria widget which uses the SQL CONCAT function to allow selection
// from a list of full employee names. It returns the EmployeeID of the selected employees back to main
// query SQL where the EmployeeID is used for the match.
->title("Full Name Multi Select")
->sql("SELECT EmployeeID id, concat(FirstName, ' ', LastName) fullname FROM northwind_employees")
->display("fullname", "fullname")
->match("CONCAT(FirstName, ' ', LastName)")
// A searchable mutliselect criteria widget which uses the SQL CONCAT function to allow selection
// from a list of full employee names. It returns the EmployeeID of the selected employees back to main
// query SQL where the EmployeeID is used for the match.
->title("Full Name Multi Select")
->sql("SELECT EmployeeID id, concat(FirstName, ' ', LastName) fullname FROM northwind_employees")
->display("fullname", "fullname")
->match("CONCAT(FirstName, ' ', LastName)")