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Appendix 1 - Reportico Project Configuration parameters

The config.php file

A config.php file contains key parameters that define the operation of reports for a particular project. A config.php file must exist in each project directory. This file contains parameters that define the following:-

  1. Database access - database name, host and login details

  2. Reportico Location Information

  3. Debug and security flags

  4. Default parameter values used in design mode

  5. Web Service Output

Configuration parameters

SW_HTTP_BASEDIR . Indicates where reportico directory can be found by browser relative to the run.php script. This is used in linking in the stylesheets and creating graphics links but should generally be left as "./"
SW_DEFAULT_PROJECT reports No longer applicable
SW_ALLOW_DEBUG true Indicates whether DEBUG mode can be selected by the user. If set to true, the report criteria entry stage will provide a dropdown list box where user can specifiy what debug level to operate in. This option is only available in Administrator mode
SW_ALLOW_MAINTAIN true No longer applicable
SW_DEFAULT_SHOWCRITERIA false If true, report output will contain the user's supplied criteria
SW_SAFE_DESIGN_MODE true In SAFE mode, design of reports is allowed but Code and SQL Injection are prevented. This means that the designer prevents entry of potentially dangerous custom PHP source in the Custom Source Section and Assignments section or potentially dangerous SQL statements in Pre-Execute Criteria section. you must modify this file directly to turn this feature off.
SW_STYLESHEET false Indicates the stylesheet that will be used to present Reportico screens. A single stylesheet provides the appropriate style information for rpeort menus, criteria entry, report output and design mode. The stylesheet should be specified relative to the top level Reportico directory and therefore should be specified in the form stylesheet/style.css since these files should reside within the Reportico stylesheet directory.
SW_DB_DRIVER mysql The database engine being connected to. Currently mysql, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite 3 and informix are available.
SW_DB_USER false The user id that will be used to log on to the database for all data retrieval. Leave bl;ank if asking for user to login with user name and password by setting SW_DB_CONNECT_FROM_CONFIG to false.
SW_DB_PASSWORD The password to connect with. Leave blank if asking for user to login with user name and password by setting SW_DB_CONNECT_FROM_CONFIG to false.
SW_DB_HOST The database location. Depending on the database engine, this may be an IP address or host name of the database location or database instance name.
SW_DB_DATABASE The database name for the relevant project
SW_DB_ENCODING None If relevant, the character set to retrieve text fields from your database. Defaults is no encoding, but is most likely to be UTF8 in non-English speaking regions. See Character Sets and Encoding within the Database for more details.
SW_OUTPUT_ENCODING None If relevant, the character set to output HTML report output in. Defaults is no encoding, but is most likely to be UTF8 in non-English speaking regions. See Character Sets and Encoding in Output for more details.
SW_DB_CONNECT_FROM_CONFIG true No longer appllicable
SW_LANGUAGE en_gb The default language for representing text in the project. Default is English(GB) but can be changed to another language if a language pack is present below the language folder. See Reportico Application Translations
SW_PREP_DATEFORMAT "d/m/Y" Indicates the format of date values the user sees during criteria entry. The format complies with PHP date formats.
SW_DB_DATEFORMAT "Y-m-d" Indicates the format of date values relevant to your database. This relates to the format of dates when making date comparisons within SQL expressions. This format complies with the format of the PHP date function. MySQL always uses Y-m-d
SW_TMP_DIR tmp A path relative to the Reportico install directory where temporary files are created. This is by default the tmp directory below the Reportico area. Temporary files are only created for preparing report graphs and graphics when executing reports to PDF format
SW_SOAP_NAMESPACE yournamespace.org The namespace to use for identifying web services generated by Reportico - currently unused
SW_SOAP_SERVICEBASEURL Indicates the URL path to reportico directory for client web service users to find the reportico area. Currently unused
FPDF_FONTPATH ./fpdf/font/ Path where fonts can be found for PDF generation
PDF_HEADER_IMAGE Url to an image which will display on each PDF page
PDF_HEADER_XPOS 470 X position of PDF header image
PDF_HEADER_YPOS 20 Y position of PDF header image
PDF_HEADER_WIDTH 100 Width of PDF image, blank for image size

Report Defaults

SW_DEFAULT_PageSize A4 Default Page Size for PDF report Output. Values may be
SW_DEFAULT_PageOrientation Portrait Default Orientation for all PDF report output
SW_DEFAULT_TopMargin 1cm Default margin to be left at the top of all PDF output
SW_DEFAULT_BottomMargin 2cm Default margin to be left at the bottom of all PDF output
SW_DEFAULT_LeftMargin 1cm Default margin to be left at the left of all PDF output
SW_DEFAULT_RightMargin 1cm Default margin to be left at the right of all PDF output
SW_DEFAULT_pdfFont Helvetica Default font to be used within all PDF output. Current fonts available are Helvetica, Times and Courirer
SW_DEFAULT_pdfFontSize 10 Default font size to be used within all PDF output
SW_DEFAULT_GraphWidth 800 Default width of all graphs printed within HTML report output. Measured in pixels.
SW_DEFAULT_GraphHeight 400 Default height of all graphs printed within HTML report output. Measured in pixels.
SW_DEFAULT_GraphWidthPDF 500 Default width of all graphs printed within PDF report output. Measured in pixels.
SW_DEFAULT_GraphHeightPDF 250 Default height of all graphs printed within PDF report output. Measured in pixels.
SW_DEFAULT_XTickLabelInterval 1 Default x axis label placement interval. A value of 2 will place an x axis label against every other tick along the x axis.
SW_DEFAULT_YTickLabelInterval false Default y axis label placement interval. A value of 3 will place an y axis label against every other tick along the y axis.
SW_DEFAULT_XTickInterval false Default tick placement interval along X axis for report graphs. A value of 2 would place a tick mark against every other value along the x axis.
SW_DEFAULT_GridPosition back Indicates whether graphs by default should show a grid behind or in front of the plots.
SW_DEFAULT_XGridDisplay none Indicates whether to show vertical grid lines within graph by default. Values are none(No grid lines), major(Grid lines against major tick marks only) or all(Grid lines for all tick marks)
SW_DEFAULT_XGridColor gray Color for vertical grid lines
SW_DEFAULT_YGridDisplay none Indicates whether to show horizontal grid lines within graph by default. Values are none(No grid lines), major(Grid lines against major tick marks only) or all(Grid lines for all tick marks)
SW_DEFAULT_YGridColor gray Color for horizontal grid lines
SW_DEFAULT_TitleFont Font1 Default font for graph title. Allowed fonts are Font1,Font2,Font3,Arial,Times,Verdana,Courier,Book,Comic,Script
SW_DEFAULT_TitleFontStyle Normal Default style for graph title. Allowed values are Normal,Bold,Italic,Bold+Italic
SW_DEFAULT_TitleFontSize 12 Font size changes are only allowed for font families other than Font1,Font2,Font3
SW_DEFAULT_TitleColor black Default color for graph title text
SW_DEFAULT_XTitleFont Font1 Default font for x-axis title. Allowed fonts are Font1,Font2,Font3,Arial,Times,Verdana,Courier,Book,Comic,Script
SW_DEFAULT_XTitleFontStyle Normal Default style for x-axis title. Allowed values are Normal,Bold,Italic,Bold+Italic
SW_DEFAULT_XTitleFontSize 12 Font size changes are only allowed for font families other than Font1,Font2,Font3
SW_DEFAULT_XTitleColor black Default color for x-axis title text
SW_DEFAULT_YTitleFont Font1 Default font for y-axis title. Allowed fonts are Font1,Font2,Font3,Arial,Times,Verdana,Courier,Book,Comic,Script
SW_DEFAULT_YTitleFontStyle Normal Default style for y-axis title. Allowed values are Normal,Bold,Italic,Bold+Italic
SW_DEFAULT_YTitleFontSize 12 Font size changes are only allowed for font families other than Font1,Font2,Font3
SW_DEFAULT_YTitleColor black Default color for y-axis title text
SW_DEFAULT_XAxisFont Font1 Default font for x-axis labels. Allowed fonts are Font1,Font2,Font3,Arial,Times,Verdana,Courier,Book,Comic,Script
SW_DEFAULT_XAxisFontStyle Normal Default style for x-axis labels. Allowed values are Normal,Bold,Italic,Bold+Italic
SW_DEFAULT_XAxisFontSize 12 Font size changes are only allowed for font families other than Font1,Font2,Font3
SW_DEFAULT_XAxisColor black Default color for x-axis label text
SW_DEFAULT_YAxisFont Font1 Default font for y-axis labels. Allowed fonts are Font1,Font2,Font3,Arial,Times,Verdana,Courier,Book,Comic,Script
SW_DEFAULT_YAxisFontStyle Normal Default style for y-axis labels. Allowed values are Normal,Bold,Italic,Bold+Italic
SW_DEFAULT_YAxisFontSize 12 Font size changes are only allowed for font families other than Font1,Font2,Font3
SW_DEFAULT_YAxisColor black Default color for y-axis label text

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Tutorial 4 - The Late Returns Summary report Appendix 2 - Reportico URL request parameters

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