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The Design Format Menu

Format Menu Overview

The Format Menu Tab gives access to general report attributes. It is also where you set up PHP custom code for manipulation of data prior to reporting.

Format Menu Attributes

Report Title

The name of the report. This is the text that appears across the top of the screen in Design, Prepare and Execute modes.

Report Description

The help text that describes what the report does. This is presented to the user on the Prepare screen. A good description will include what sort of data the report outputs and how best to provide criteria. For example, some reports may return too much data, so it is good to advise the user of sensible criteria selections.

You can type in HTML tags within this section in order provide links, and attractive formatting. You could even generate a screen shot of the report output and present this within this box.

Page Size

For PDF Reports only. Indicates the size of page that will be generated. Currently supports sizes such as A4, A3, US-Letter.

Page Width (HTML)

For HTML Reports only. The width of the page specified as an HTML/CSS width value. This will be used within the "width" CSS style of the <BODY> tag that controls the page size. To specify a value in pixels specify suffix of px, to specify a percentage value add a percent sign. The default is 100% making the page fill the browser window.


For PDF Reports only. Indicates whether reports will be generated in portrait or landscape format.

Top Margin

For PDF Reports only. Indicates the amount of space to be left at the top of each report page. Values can be expressed in cm, mm. So a value of 1cm or 10mm will provide a margin of 1 centimetre. If only a number is entered then the value is measures in points. A sheet of A4 is 842pt x 595pt.

Bottom Margin

For PDF Reports only. Indicates the amount of space to be left at Bottom report pages below the page footers. See Top Margin for a description of margin measurements.

Right Margin

For PDF Reports only. Indicates the amount of space to be left on the right hand side of report output. See Top Margin for a description of margin measurements.

Left Margin

For PDF Reports only. Indicates the amount of space to be left on the left hand side of the report output. See Top Margin for a description of margin measurements.


For PDF Reports only. Indicates the font to be used in the report output. Valid values are Helvetica, Arial, Courier and Times.

Font Size

For PDF Reports only. Indicates the font size used in the report output.

Custom Source Code

Enter here PHP code that is executed before the main report query. This is generally used to perform preparatory work that for use by the main query. For example, this code may generate and populate temporary tables based on the criteria the user has entered, and this may be then linked in by the main report query. report query.

For full detailed discussion of adding custom source code, see the chapter Custom Source Code.

Display Details

Indicates whether user should have the option of whether to hide the detail section of the report. If this is set to Show then the Display Detail check box will appear in prepare mode.

Display Graph

For reports with graphs, this option indicates whether user should have the option of whether to hide the graph output. If this is set to Show then the Display Graph check box will appear in prepare mode.

Display Grid

To display report results as sortable searchable grids set this option to show. Setting the option to default uses the default setting. The defaut on installation is to turn off grids but the default can be turned by setting the dynamic_grid paramter in the reportico run.php script.

Sortable Grid

Choose whether your grid columns should be sortable by clicking the column header

Searchable grid

Choose whether a text search box should appear for searching the grid

Pageable grid

Choose whether to have paging on each results grid.

Grid Page Size

Choose how many lines to show in a pageable grid ( default is 10 )

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Report Design Mode Report Design Mode Custom Source Code

Documentation generated on Mon, 09 Jun 2014 18:10:07 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3