The following parameters can be supplied when invoking Reportico from the browser or from the command line. All parameters are provide in the standard format of param=value.
project. Identifies which project this invokation of Reportico relates. Identifies the name of the project directory containing the relevant menus, configurations and report definitions.
project_passwordFor projects controlled by a project password, this must be specified to access the project menu and reports directly.
xmlinWhen you want to run a report directly from the URL, specifiy the name of the report file (e.g. report.xml) as it is named in the relevant project report directory
execute_mode. A project must also be specified using the project parameter. Possible values are:-
MENU. Presents the relevant project's menu selection screen
PREPARE. Brings a report up in criteria entry mode. Will also require the name of the report definition using the xmlin parameter.
MAINTAIN. Brings a report up in design mode. Will also require the name of the report definition using the xmlin parameter.
EXECUTE. Executes a specified report up and generates report output. Also requires the name of the report definition using the xmlin parameter. If the target_output is not specified HTML will be the default output.target_show_body parameter to 1
target_format. Used with an execute_mode of EXECUTE when running reports from the browser or command line. Indicates the output format. Can have values of HTML, PDF, CSV, XML, JSON
target_styleUsed with an execute_mode of EXECUTE when running reports from the browser or command line. Indicates the output style. Can be the default of TABLE which presents each reported row as a line of column values, or FORM which presents each reported row using a line for each column value.
language. Specifies the language to operate Reportico in. Passing a value of fr_fr would run in French, es_es spanish, en_us American English
clear_sessionClears the current session, useful clearing your current session project and report variables.
target_show_detailSet to 0 to hide the report detail lines
target_show_graphSet to 0 to hide the report graphs
target_show_criteriaSet to 1 to show the report criteria
target_show_group_headersSet to 0 to hide the report group headers
target_show_group_trailersSet to 0 to hide the report group trailers
target_show_column_headersSet to 0 to hide the report column headers